Quality Engineering,
Serving Engineering and Construction since 1982
About Quality Engineering, Inc.

Founded in 1982, Quality Engineering, Inc. has provided contract Quality Control and Quality Assurance services to the power, transportation rail and highway, and heavy construction industries for over thirty years.
Early QEI work focused on Quality Control, testing, and inspection of generation and transmission equipment for the power industry. QEI Principals developed Quality Management Systems for design and construction of both nuclear and fossil generation facilities. Work with the Electric Power Research Institute focused on process improvement in the operation of fossil power plants.
Since 1996 Quality Engineering has been primarily involved on transportation projects including rail transit, highways, airports and transit facilities. Quality Engineering is currently responsible for quality management of projects valued at over $10 billion.
The Quality Advantage

Quality Engineering's goal is to offer the Quality Advantage to its partners in the construction industry. Gaining the Quality Advantage involves having the organizational capability to plan and implement QA/QC programs that fully satisfy customer requirements at minimum cost.
A comprehensive and effective Quality Assurance Program is a key element for any successful Project Management effort. A Quality Assurance Program founded on a Quality Management System (QMS) approach makes quality an integral part of overall Project Management. In this approach, the QMS provides project procedures to manage, control, document and assure the quality performance of the project work - just as budgets and schedules provide the means to monitor and control the cost and schedule performance of the project.

QEI specializes in helping its partners develop user-friendly QA/QC programs that best satisfy project requirements, and provide the training and support to ensure the successful implementation of the program. We tailor the services we provide to meet specific project needs. This gives QEI partners the Quality Advantage.