Quality Engineering,
Serving Engineering and Construction since 1982
BART Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program
Project Quality Assurance

Comprised of Four Sub-Projects:
306 Additional Railcars
​CBTC (Communications-Based Train Control)
New Storage Yard, a part of Hayward Maintenance Center Phase 2
Construction of 5 Traction Power Substations
Completion: 2024
Estimated Construction: $3.5 Billion
The BART Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program will serve the San Francisco Bay Area with an additional 306 new BART railcars to operate at maximum capacity with the new CBTC system and reserve trains. Core Capacity will also replace the original, aging train control system with a new Communications-Based Train Control system, allowing trains to operate closer together and enhance the Transbay tube capacity beyond the current system. A new storage yard at the Hayward Maintenance Center will allow for an additional 250 vehicles and a flyover to connect the new yard with the BART mainline without disrupting train service and power/train control. Core Capacity also includes 5 new Traction Power Substations, located throughout the entire system to allow for more frequent service and additional power to the third rail.